Thursday, February 21, 2008


So here are the looonnnnggg awaited answers (8 months later). 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c

Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Big is Your Vocabulary?

A Blogger Vocabulary Quiz

1. a loud continued noise; esp.: a welter of discordant sounds
2. held in or conducted with secrecy: surreptitious
3. not blatant or aggressive: inconspicuous
4. a silly smile
5. to speak or cry out with derision or mockery: taunt

a. simper
b. din
c. jeering
d. clandestine
e. unobtrusive

Did you get them all right? These words all come from the Harry Potter books. As I am rereading the books (to get ready for book #7) I am trying to stretch my vocabulary. Well, enough waffling for now. I'll give you the answers soon.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Ice Cream Sundae

Mmmmm, I just finished a tasty Ice Cream Sundae. This all-American traditional dessert is one I rarely enjoy, but today was different. I had this strange craving for a refreshing Ice Cream Sundae; however, the problem was, I didn't have any ice cream! No problemo. Everyone knows the best chefs make do with what they have; they improvise. So, I combined a perfectly ripe banana with warm plum sauce, insead of the normal strawberry sauce since I had just made some fresh low-sugar plum jam from our home-grown plums. I added some chocolate chips and toffee chips, and topped it all off with Smucker's Hot Fudge sauce. My Ice Cream Sundae was oh so delicious. So, even when life does not give you ice cream, you can still make an Ice Cream Sundae.